
Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

gerund and infinitive

`Daftar kata kerja diikuti “to”
INFINITIVE (kata kerja yang menggunakan TO)
Infinitive = to+ the simple form of a verb
We use to Infinitive as:
Kata kerja berikut ini diikuti to Infinitive:
learn, mean, need, permit, promise, propose,Want, wish, would like, tell, teach
, talk, play, understand, stop, be, take, leave, stand, make, chase, renew

- I need to take a break
- whe do you expect to leave on your trip?
- mary reminded me not to be late for the meeting

Daftar kata kerja diikuti “v-ing”
Kata Kerja dan Preposisi yang Diikuti Gerund
Beberapa kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris akan diikuti gerund jika digunakan bersama dalam kalimat. Sayangnya, tidak ada rumus khusus selain menghafalkan kata-kata tersebut jika kita ingin menggunakan kata-kata tersebut dengan benar.

Kata-kata yang di tambah -ing
Sleeping, reading, singing, playing, talking,understanding, going, organizing, lerning, sleeping, changing, meeting, raining, waiting, doing, smoking, looking, singing, dancing, runing adalah kata kerja yang berposisi sebagai subject. Maka harus ditambahkan ING.
-my grandfather prefers reading
-you shouldn’t put off playing your billing

tugas softskill bahasa inggris 2 cerpen

Basketball king without a crown
in the morning was where everyone gathered together because of an event occurring. A wonderful event because a big game has occurred. Match the ten kings without crowns compete with each other. They are a team that consists of two teams and each team five-membered. The first team is the basketball team that dressed in white with Angel pattern consists of Captain david and included raven, sion, luki, soren their is a strong basketball team because their team was formed they have never been undefeated. They were in familiar with the king without a white crown .Their team very strong because with just the ability of individual they can win the game with a score that always away a comparison of his opponent .They come from areas east of indonesia .Then second team are a shining black basketball with a pattern consisting of the devil captain argie and members of the mufti , raka , rhesa , tias same thing with the team white they are a very strong .The team they come from areas of western Indonesian. The match started with the first quarter.Both teams perform an alternately no unwilling to budge.They talk shows skill indvidu them.With their technique and stylish them in playing basketball they get score balanced.In the first quarter had been discharged but nobody took the lead.Quarter two begins an entire team entering the back.Team captain white issued a formation in basketball shows the pattern of a spear. Where attacks that focus on the point of piercing straight and swinging to the fore over quickly .It is a pattern of attack very extraordinary .The attack was always give an extraordinary impact to its opponents .He used that way to black against the many lenih to get points .But it has already prepared the formation of the paladins of black team .A formation meggambarkan prisai with the sword and a knight . Formation and survived the attack had a pattern of simultaneously .Team started the second quarter when terssebut direct use each of their formation .But it did not give the results .That is just the same with that last scoremasih balanced and they know that both teams having the ability of equivalent so hard to make the difference between score .Finally quater-quarter next score and they still end with the game at the same balanced score . to be continued…

Rabu, 29 April 2015

Lone man and the angel part 2

“Lone man and the angel part 2”

In the afternoon is an hour break the sun very sunny of lone man was being noticed the angels from a distance, While reading a book he considers without being discovered. Suddenly bulpoin in his desk fell to the floor and the man take it. After he took bulpoin that he looked back the angel .But the angels had gone missing from his place. he was confused until suddenly his shoulder in pat from behind and it should say  “Hayo looking for who?”. he was and he see to it turns out the back of the angel that which is patted his shoulder .While tergugup surprised he said “not , i just being a look around “. The nymphs smiled because he knew that lone man was last of them .The angel it attracts a chair and sat beside the lone man .The angel it asked “ book what you read it ? “ .Lone man replied “ this book about a detective novel “ .Without a known male loner it turns out the angels also liked reading of detective novels .And finally they talked about detective to break out of time.                                                                                                                      
    With the things that make their closeness is increasing.At that time the angel call a loner.The angels went out to meet him.A solitary; desolate and they are the two.On a clear night with a full moon that the angels say “you think, i was like what? “.A lone answer “ you good, you ' re a sweet smile and i saw you as nymph “The face of the angels to red and he said “ really , you instead  seduce me” .Man said “ serious yes , i honestly like the same you from the beginning i see you “ .The angels said “really, you like the same girl with me”. Man said “ yes i liked you from my heart , you know every day you “ i mentioned . The angels said “ yes i know , so i happy, because honestly i also love the same you .Since i see you i am also interested same  you “. The man said, "and then you would not be my girlfriend?". Angel said, "I want to be your girlfriend. And hope you will not disappoint me. "the man said "thank you already want to accept me. I promise will not disappoint you ". eventually they become lovers and live happily..                    



Definition : A word (one of the parts of speech and a member of a closed word class) that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. See the lists of simple prepositions and deverbal prepositions below.
The combination of a preposition and a noun phrase is called a prepositional phrase. A word group (such as in front of or on top of) that functions like a simple, one-word 

Examples of Prepositions
Here are commonly-used prepositions:

Prepositions don't stand alone. They work in groups of words that we call prepositional phrases. A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends in a noun. That noun is called the object of the preposition.

Prepositional Phrases

Here are some examples of prepositional phrases:
under the desk
during the lecture
across the yard
after lunch
behind the tree
The word in italics is the preposition, and the words that follow the preposition make up the prepositional phrase. Think about a mountain, for instance. A prepositional phrase is just about anything that we can say in relation to a mountain, like: to the mountain, over the mountain, under the mountain, toward the mountain. This is a good way to test a group of words in order to see if they do, indeed, fit the definition of prepositional phrases.

Object of the Preposition

The object of the preposition is the noun that follows the preposition. It is also the stopping point for each prepositional phrase. For instance, we might say, 'to the store.' To is the preposition, andstore is the object of the preposition. Here's another example, in the light. In is the preposition, and light is the object of the preposition.

Contoh kalimat dalam pemakaian preposition :
-          We give each other presents at christmas
Kalimat ini berartikan preposisi yang menunjukan waktu karena ada at christmas yang berartikan periode natal.
-          I usually go out on Monday evenings
Kalimat preposisi on ini digunakan untuk menunjukan tanggal dan hari.
-          He graduated from school in 2012
Kalimat preposisi in ini digunakan untuk menunjukan tahun.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015


1.      A/An – Artikel tak tentu

·         Penggunaan a + dengan kata yang diawali huruf konsonan (b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z)
Dan penggunaannya digunakan secara umum, digunakan juga untuk kata tunggal yang dapat dihitung.


He buy a candy in the market (dia Laki-laki membeli sebuah permen di toko)

Kata a candy itu tidak spesifik karena tidak menunjukan ciri khas atau diperjelas tentang permen tersebut dan di toko banyak permen tidak hanya satu yang berartikan umum

·         Penggunaan an + dengan kata yang diawali huruf vocal (a,i,u,e,o)
Dan penggunaanya digunakan secara umum, digunakan juga untuk kata tunggal yang dapat dihitumg.


       He saw an umbrella on the road (dia laki-laki melihat payung di jalan)

       Kata an umbrella itu tidak spesifik karena tidak menunjukan ciri khas atau diperjelas
       tentang payung tersebut dan dijalan banyak payung tidak hanya satu artinya secara

2.      The – Artikel pasti

·         Penggunaan the digunakan sebagai penegasan menunjukan kalimat tersebut khusus
He buy a candy in the market (dia Laki-laki membeli sebuah permen di toko)
(kalimat ini tidak spesifik masih menunjukan secara umum)
The candy taste is strawberry (permen itu rasanya stroberi)
(kalimat ini menunjukan permen tersebut secara khusus bahwa permen yang dimaksud berasa stroberi)


Determiner adalah kata yang diletakkan didepan ( kata benda ) dan memiliki fungsi untuk memperjelas makna noun tersebut sehingga keduanya membentuk frasa kata benda,

Salah satu fungsi determiner adalah memperjelas keberadaan suatu kata benda. Misalnya ada sebuah kalimat: I study in home (Saya belajar di rumah). Tanpa determiner, maka tidak ada kejelasan. Namun, jika ia menambahkan I study in this home (Saya belajar di rumah ini). Maka jelas bahwa ia belajar di sekolah ini.

·         Definite/Indefinite articles ( the,a,an )
Berfungsi untuk menunjukkan kata benda tertentu yang sudah dapat dimengerti oleh pendengar atau pembaca, sedangkan Indefinite adalah kebalikan dari definite.
·         Demonstartives ( this,that,these,those )
Kata petunjuk,yang berfungsi sebagai Pronpuns dan juga Adjective
·         Possesive ( my,your,his,her,its,our,their )
Menunjukkan kepunyaan                                                                    
·         Quantifiers (a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough,etc)
Kata-kata yang menunjukkan jumlah.
·         Numbers ( one. Two, forty, third, forth,etc )
Kata-kata yang menunjukkan angka
·         Personal determiners ( You,we, etc)
Subject yang diletakkan didepan kata benda yang befungsi untuk memberi tekanan pada subject kalimat
·         Exclamative ( what)
Kata yang menyerukan sesuatu
·         Difference word (Other,another)
Menyatakan jumlaH
·         Interrogative determiners ( Which, what )
Untuk mengajukan pertanyaan

1.      The candy taste is strawberry
2.      Where is my book? possesive
3.      There many people visit my aunt’s home. quantifiers

Dari kalimat di atas kalimat satu menunjukan kalimat determiner definite karena dijelaskan oleh kata the yang menjelaskan bahwa permen tersebut rasanya stroberi, sedangkan kalimat kedua termasuk determiner possesive karena dijelaskan oleh kata my yang menunjukan kepemilikan, dan kalimat ketiga merupakan determiner quantifiers karena dijelaskan oleh kata many yang menunjukan jumlah, bahwa orang yang datang kerumah bibi banyak .