
Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

cerita buatanku

“Lone man and the angel”

A day in bekasi city life a man who always aloof. He is the man who always live without seriousness.Because he said the seriousness of that there will be if someone has the goal in his life. While he does not have a purpose in his life.
On a hot day in bekasi city is the first day of where he started college. That day he prepares prepare all their needs in his first lecture.While getting ready he mumble “Why every day always the same , always very boring, Supposing boredom it can be sold i was the one most rich the world”. after that he sighedAnd went to the campus. When we get to the campusHe passed with a girl who interested him. He saw the girl is like someone angel who was out of heaven. Once he wanted to get acquainted on the girl , but in the heart he said “I rarely communicate this, How can start the conversation”. He was halting his intention to be acquainted with the girl.
Time show time to next class to lecture first. When we get to the classHe saw a girl not foreign.  It turns out people it was the girl that i saw her on the road. How happy his heart and he was thinking “There may be opportunities to acquainted with the girl”.Lecturers come to class and said “Today i would give the task group, So you guys make the group consisting of five people”. This lone man confused “How I make group without sociable” He is silent. Suddenly there was a hand patted his shoulder and said “What you already have a group?”. He look back and it turns out that pat its back is the girl was his ideal.While stammer he said “not yet”.The girl said “How a group with me? My group less one person”. He nodded and said ”yes of course”. When gathered shoal they mutually introduced himself. When he introduced himself he felt nervous, But he was trying to give the impression both in front of the angel  And that it all started reticent closeness of the man with the angel. To be continued....

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